404 Page not found – Knowledgebase


404 Page not found

While accessing the website I was getting the error as ‘404 Page not found‘ with below server error logs

2017-03-26 21:44:24.608 [INFO] [local IP address] File not found [/home/cpanel_username/public_html/]

2017-03-26 21:44:24.608 [INFO] [local IP address] Cannot found appropriate handler for [/]

2017-03-26 21:44:24.608 [INFO] [local IP address] File not found [/home/cpanel_username/public_html/404.shtml]

2017-03-26 21:44:24.608 [INFO] [local IP address] Cannot found appropriate handler for [/404.shtml]

1. Check the permission for the files and directories – Make sure the files should have 644 permission and            directories should have 755 permission. You can fire below command to correct the permission –

find . -type d -exec chmod 755 {} ;

    find . -type f -exec chmod 644 {} ;
Note – Please make sure to fire this command under cPanel >> File Manager >> /home/cPanel_user >> public_html/
Still I was getting the same error.
2. Check the permission and ownership of public_html
    The public_html should have permission as 750 and ownership should be ‘user.nobody‘. You can follow below steps to update the permission of public_html

  • Login to server using SSH.
  • Enter in the user’s directory – cd ~username
  • Once you will enter in the user’s directory – chmod 750 public_html
You can fire below steps to update the ownership of public_html

  • Login to server using SSH.
  • Enter in the user’s directory – cd ~username
  • Once you will enter in the user’s directory – chown user.nobody public_html

It fixed my issue. Site started working!

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