What is the Apache Server? How does Apache Server work?

Apache is an open-source and free web server programming that powers around 40% of sites far and wide. The official name is Apache HTTP Server, and it’s kept up and created by the Apache Software Foundation.

It permits site proprietors to serve content on the web — consequently the name “web server.” It’s one of the most established and most dependable web servers, with the main rendition discharged over 20 years prior, in 1995.

At the point when somebody needs to visit a site, they enter an area name into the location bar of their program. At that point, the web server conveys the mentioned documents by going about as a virtual conveyance man.

Here at Cloudhost web, our web facilitating framework utilizes Apache in corresponding with NGINX, which is another well known web server programming. This specific arrangement permits us to bamboozle the two universes. It incredibly improves server execution by remunerating the more vulnerable sides of one programming with the qualities of another

What is a Web Server?

File servers, database servers, mail servers, and web servers utilize various types of server programming. Every one of these applications can get to records put away on a physical server and use them for different purposes.

The activity of a web server is to serve sites on the web. To accomplish that objective, it goes about as an agent between the server and customer machines. It pulls content from the server on every client solicitation and conveys it to the web.

The greatest test of a web server is to serve a wide range of web clients simultaneously — every one of whom is mentioning various pages. Web servers process records written in various programming dialects, for example, PHP, Python, Java, and others.

They go them to static HTML documents and serve these records in the program of web clients. At the point when you hear the word web server, consider it the device liable for the correct server-customer correspondence.

How Does Apache Web Server Work?

In spite of the fact that we consider Apache a web server, it’s anything but a physical server, but instead, a product that sudden spikes in demand for a server. Its responsibility is to set up an association between a server and the programs of site guests (Firefox, Google Chrome, Safari, and so forth.) while conveying documents to and fro between them (customer server structure). Apache is a cross-stage programming, in this way it takes a shot at both Unix and Windows servers.

At the point when a guest needs to stack a page on your site, for example, the landing page or your “About Us” page, their program sends a solicitation to your server, and Apache restores a reaction with all the mentioned records (content, pictures, and so on.). The server and the customer convey through the HTTP convention, and the Apache programming is answerable for the smooth and secure correspondence between the two machines.

Apache is profoundly adaptable, as it has a module-based structure. Modules permit server executives to kill extra functionalities on and. Apache has modules for security, reserving, URL modifying, secret key validation, and that’s only the tip of the iceberg. You can also set up your own server configurations through a file called .htaccess, which is an Apache configuration file supported with all Cloudhost Web plans.

Apache vs. Other Web Servers

Other than Apache, there are numerous other well known web servers. Each web server application has been made for an alternate reason. While Apache is the most generally utilized, it has many other options and adversaries.

Apache vs. Tomcat

Tomcat is a web server likewise created by the Apache Software Foundation, in this way its official name is Apache Tomcat. It’s a HTTP server too, anyway it powers Java applications rather than static sites. Tomcat can run a few diverse Java details, for example, Java Servlet, JavaServer Pages (JSP), Java EL, and WebSocket.

  • Tomcat has been made explicitly for Java applications, while Apache is a broadly useful HTTP server. You can utilize Apache together with various programming dialects (PHP, Python, Perl, and so forth.) with the assistance of the proper Apache module (mod_php, mod_python, mod_perl, and so on.).
  • In spite of the fact that you can utilize a Tomcat server to serve static site pages too, it’s less effective for that reason contrasted with the Apache server. For example, Tomcat pre-loads the Java Virtual Machine and other Java-related libraries you won’t need on most sites.
  • Tomcat is additionally less configurable contrasted with other web servers. For instance, to run WordPress, the best decision is a broadly useful HTTP server, for example, Apache or NGINX.

Apache vs. NGINX


Nginx, articulated Engine-X, is a more up to date web server application previously discharged in 2004. Starting today, it has picked up a significant prominence among site proprietors. Nginx was made to take care of the alleged c10k issue, implying that a web server that utilizations strings to deal with client demands can’t oversee in excess of 10,000 associations simultaneously.

  • Since Apache utilizes the string based structure, proprietors of traffic-substantial sites may experience execution issues. Nginx is one of the web servers that address the c10k issue and likely the best one.
  • Nginx has an occasion driven engineering that doesn’t make another procedure for each solicitation. Rather, it handles each approaching solicitation in a solitary string. This ace procedure deals with a few laborer forms that play out the genuine handling of solicitations. The occasion based model of Nginx appropriates client demands among laborer forms in a proficient manner, subsequently prompting much better adaptability.
  • On the off chance that you have to deal with a high-traffic site, Nginx is an amazing decision, as it can do that by utilizing insignificant assets. It can’t be a happenstance that it’s utilized by some high-perceivability sites, for example, Netflix, Hulu, Pinterest, and Airbnb.
  • Notwithstanding, for little and medium players, Apache accompanies a bunch of focal points over Nginx, for example, its simple arrangement, heaps of modules, and an amateur inviting condition.

Apache Pros and Cons

An Apache web server can be an excellent choice to run your website on a stable and versatile platform. However, it also comes with some disadvantages you need to pay attention to.


  • Open-source and free, even for commercial use.
  • Reliable, stable software.
  • Frequently updated, regular security patches.
  • Flexible due to its module-based structure.
  • Easy to configure, beginner-friendly.
  • Cross-platform (works on both Unix and Windows servers).
  • Works out of the box with WordPress sites.
  • Huge community and easily available support in case of any problem.
  • Performance problems on extremely traffic-heavy websites.
  • Too many configuration options can lead to security vulnerabilities.

So,what is Apache ?

Apache is one of the most well known web servers that permits you to run a protected site without an over the top migraine. It’s the most successive decision of solopreneurs and private ventures that need a nearness on the web.

You can install a WordPress site on an Apache web server with no customization. Furthermore, Apache works flawlessly with numerous other substance the executives frameworks (Joomla, Drupal, and so on.), web systems (Django, Laravel, and so on.), and programming languages. This makes it a strong pick for a wide range of web hosting platforms, for example, VPS or shared hosting

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