Having a Problem installing WordPress on wamp?
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For this, first, we need to understand what wamp is?

WAMP stands for Windows, Apache, MySQL, and PHP. WampServer is a Windows hosting and web development environment. It allows you to create web applications with Apache2, PHP and a MySQL database. WampServer also includes phpMyAdmin, which allows you to manage your databases easily.

Using a local version of WordPress with WAMP will help you build and test your website, themes and plugins before putting it online. Remember, only you or your local network (if set up) will be able to view this site.

Working with WordPress on your computer allows you to test new WordPress features, learn how to develop with WordPress, and make websites before migrating them to the live server. In this article, we will show you how .to install WordPress on Windows using WAMP properly.

WAMP is a software package that combines Apache web server, MySQL and PHP, built for computers powered by Windows operating systems. Each of them is open source, while WAMP offers these tools wrapped in one package.

The name WAMP is an abbreviation of all the software it incorporates. W stands for Windows. A stands for Apache, a web server that allows your computer to host a website that is accessible via your browser. M is for MySQL, a system for managing databases. And P is for PHP, the scripting language used for creating dynamic web content.

Software like WAMP allows you to work in a local environment, and it’s installed fairly easily.

Developing a WordPress site is no longer imaginable without creating a testing environment. Although this is not a mandatory step in the process of site-building, it is highly recommended to create a staging site where you’ll test any changes before going live. Frequently, both experienced developers and beginners install WordPress on their computers using software that simulates a server environment.

Why Use a Local WordPress Website?

The concept of a local WordPress website is simple. You install the WordPress CMS on your personal computer to develop new sites, plugins, and themes. Whatever you’re working on is only accessible to you, which is fantastic from a security standpoint.

Security isn’t the only perk of using a local WordPress development environment, though. Some additional benefits include:

● Lighting-fast loading times. All your website’s files are hosted on your computer, so loading times should be near-instant, regardless of which theme you use or the content of your pages.

● You get to save on hosting costs. With a local environment, you can set up as many test websites as you want simultaneously without paying for hosting.

● It offers the perfect testing setup. Since you’re the only person with access (unless you’re working on a shared network), it doesn’t matter if you break your website. Breaking things is, after all, a crucial part of the development process.

Installing WAMP on Windows Computer

First, you need to download the WAMP software and install it on your computer. Go to the WampServer website and click on the ‘Start Using WampServer’ button.

Start using the wamp server.

It will take you to the downloads section. You’ll see two versions here: WampServer 32 bits and WampServer 64 bits. You need to select the WampServer version that matches the operating system type of your Windows computer.

Wampserver is available in both 32 and 64 bit. Make sure you select the correct installer for your version of Windows. Wampserver is not compatible with Windows XP, SP3, or Windows Server 2003. The latest version of WampServer can be found here https://sourceforge.net/projects/wampserver/.

Navigate to your downloads folder and find the WampServer installation file. Double click the file to start the installation process. It’s best to leave everything in the default settings. You do have the option of choosing a preferred text editor and web browser. 

Once the installer is ready to use, run through the installation process. This works like any other program, so don’t be intimidated. However, at one point, the installer will ask you if you want to use Internet Explorer as the default browser for WAMP:

We’ll be diplomatic and suggest you’ll want to select your favourite browser here instead. At this point, the program will be ready to use.

Setting Up a Database for Local WordPress Setup

● The next thing you need to do is to create a blank MySQL database. On launching WAMP, you’ll see a green WampServer icon at the bottom right corner of your screen, along with other icons. Click on it and then click on phpMyAdmin (a web-based application to manage MySQL databases).

Note: If the WampServer icon is red or yellow, it means the services (Apache, MySQL, PHP) are not running. You need to start the services by clicking on the icon before setting up the database.

● phpMyAdmin

● It will take you to the phpMyAdmin login screen on your web browser. Enter the username: root and leave the password field blank. These are the default credentials to login into your localhost phpMyAdmin.

● Login phpMyAdmin

● Click on the ‘Go’ button to continue.

● Once logged in, you need to click on Databases in PHPMyAdmin to create a new database for WordPress. It will ask you to choose a name for your new database (we named ours test_db). After that, click on the ‘Create’ button.

● Create a database

● Your database is ready, which means you can now install WordPress on localhost.

After the installation has finished, you will need to look at your taskbar for a Green WampServer icon. If it is green, then everything should be good to go. If the icon is orange or red, there is a problem with Apache or MySQL. You will need to fix these problems before you can move on.

Download and Install WordPress on Your Local Server

Once the database is ready, it’s time to download WordPress and install it on your computer. The first part is simple — go to WordPress.org and navigate to the download page.

The WordPress CMS comes in a ZIP file. Download and unpack it, then find a folder inside called WordPress. Move this folder into the wamp64/www directory:

Moving the WordPress directory to your local server.

Feel free to rename the WordPress folder, but keep in mind whichever name you will become a part of your local site’s URL.

To access the WordPress installer, navigate to http://localhost/wordpress in your web browser. We’ve decided to keep the original name here, but you’ll need to use whatever you changed yours too. Now you’ll get access to the WordPress installer.

Select a language and move on to the next step. Here, you’ll need to enter the name of your database, as well as the username and password you used before. We named our database test and are using root as the username with no password:

Entering our database credentials.

Please keep in mind that it’s never a good idea to use generic database names, usernames, or passwords with a live site. However, since now we’re using a local setup, it’s fine.

After filling out the required fields, hit the Submit button. If everything is working fine, WordPress will prompt you to run its installer:

Now you get to choose a title for your site and set your admin username, password, and email:

Configuring your site’s details.

Once you’re ready, click on the Install Now button, and a success message should appear:

To access your new local setup, go to http://localhost/wordpress/wp-login.php, and you’ll see the classic WordPress login page:

The WordPress login page.

Remember that your local site’s URL might differ depending on whether you changed the WordPress folder’s name at the beginning of this step. In any case, once you log in to WordPress, you can get to work as usual.

Troubleshooting WAMP Issues

WAMP is quite easy to use, even for beginners. However, if you are unable to get it running, then the following troubleshooting tips would help.

● Fixing the WAMP Skype Conflict

● If you have Skype installed and running, then WampServer may not work properly due to a conflict with Skype. The conflict is caused by both Apache and Skype using the same port 80. There is a simple fix for this problem.

● Open Skype and go to Tools » Options. This will bring up a dialogue box; you need to click on Advanced and then Connections from here.

● Fixing the WAMP Skype conflict

● Uncheck the box that says Use port 80 and 443 as alternatives for incoming connections. Save options and restart Skype.

● Install Visual C++ Redistributable

● WAMP needs Visual C++ Redistributable for Visual Studio 2012 to run. If you don’t have it installed on your computer, you can download and install it from the Microsoft website.

So concluding with

There are a lot of ways you can go about setting up a local WordPress development environment. For Windows users, your best bet is WAMP that enables you to use an integrated software stack that combines Windows, Apache, MariaDB, and PHP.


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