How to Change a Post to a Page in WordPress?

WordPress may be a super easy platform and allows you to make your required changes. But sometimes, it’s tough to urge your required effect. For instance, you can’t change a post into a page that easily. By default, WordPress won’t allow you to vary post type. 

There are different types of content in WordPress. By default, there are posts and pages. Then there are some plugins and themes which add custom post types for content like testimonials, projects, portfolio items, books, coupons, etc. otherwise; you can even define your custom post types for better organization of your website content.

You will need to search differently to vary the post into a page. But fortunately, there’s how, and that I am getting to share it during this post. Before sharing the key, let’s realize why to convert a post into a page first. 

Why Convert A Post Into A Page?

Posts are more common than pages; it’s straightforward to create a post rather than creating a page accidentally. I have even done it several times too, and WordPress treats them precisely unless you’ve got any specific customizations that are immediately visible. 

Now there’s no other way to make the entire content for the page again and delete the present post. I don’t prefer deleting the present post and creating all the equivalent content for the page again. Therefore it’s considerably logical to convert the post into a page. 

When do you have to Change a WordPress Post to a Page?

Often, you’ll link to your pages in your navigation or your footer – on every page of your website, which means that those pages are relatively high as far as your site’s hierarchy goes. They need tons of power. Search engines are good at recognizing their importance relevant to the posts on your site.

How to switch pages into posts (with a plugin)

Both pages and posts have their purpose during a WordPress site. Pages are usually reserved for your best, evergreen content, the things you hope everyone will explore once they land on your site.

Posts are smaller, “lesser” pieces meant to be helpful tidbits of data and also a superb place for engagement together with your audience (hint: comments and shares).

In a perfect world, this division is apparent. Still, it often happens that what you thought was page material, a worthy owner of its place within the menu, is not and will be demoted to post status.

Others do an equivalent job, but I chose Post Type Switcher for several good reasons:

● Free

● Updated

● Simple to use

● Use it and lose it- The changes will remain (one less plugin is excellent for your website’s performance and speed).

● Here are the steps:

Within your WP dashboard, install the plugin such as you would the other. Then attend to the editor of the already published page you would like to show in a post.

● In the upper right corner, right above the blue “update/publish” button, you’ll notice a replacement column “post type.”

● Click and alter to post.

● Now update the page.

Posts and pages in WordPress are interchangeable, are they not?

Yes, you’ll convert pages into posts. Yes, it’s insanely easy to try to do so, and now you even know the advantages of doing it.

Using phpMyAdmin to Convert a Post to a Page in WordPress

Not everyone wants to put in a WordPress plugin and increase their maintenance headaches. Especially when it’s just a “one-off” job like converting a post to a page. So we’re going to travel in and roll in the hay through the backend.

Step 1: Open phpMyAdmin from cPanel

Log into your web hosting provider’s cPanel and look for the words “phpMyAdmin.” This is often a ubiquitous backend database tool for MySQL installed on every cPanel implementation 

This will mention the login screen for the databases. You should have received this in your welcome mail once you first found out about your hosting account.

Step 2: Locate your Database from within phpMyAdmin

If you’ve got several WordPress installations, or produce other databases just like the ones created by Joomla, etc., then you’ll have a separate database for every one of those installations. You’ll get to find the proper one for your current WordPress site.

One way to try to do this is often by examining your wp-config.php enter your WordPress installation folder, and getting the database name from the “DB_NAME” variable like this:

WordPress database settings

Another way is to expand each database by clicking the plus (+) sign and checking out signs of plugins that you’ve installed only on the one you would like. Either way, confirm that you get the correct database before proceeding further!

Step 3: Open the “posts” table.

Usually the table you would like is named “wp_posts.” except for security reasons, many WordPress sites rename the default prefix of their tables to something aside from “wp.” Specific security plugins do that for you also. To find the table ending with “_posts,” and click on it.

This will expand the table and convey up all the rows – each of which is either a post, a page, a revision, or another custom post type.

Step 4: Find the first ID of the Post you would like 

This can be a two-step process. The simplest way to find the ID of your post is to see its “Edit URL.” This is often the URL you see within the address bar when editing the post within the WordPress editor.

Alternatively, hover your mouse over the “Edit” for the post, and you’ll see it within the status bar like this:

Edit WordPress Post

Here, the ID of my test post is 693. Now that you have the post ID move to step 4.

Step 5: Locate the Row using the Post ID.

This is the only SQL you would like to use, and it’s “safe” because it doesn’t update or delete anything from the backend. First, while viewing the suitable “posts” table we identified in Step 3, click the SQL tab as shown here:

SQL select WordPress post

Now type within the following SQL command within the editor like demonstrated:

SELECT * FROM `[table name]` WHERE `ID` = [post ID]

Replace [table name] with the table name you bought in Step 3, and [post_ID]with the post ID you isolated in Step 4.

This should filter the rows and show you the post in question as during this screenshot:

PHPMyAdmin edit WordPress post

Sometimes, the posts table stores record for revisions or other things. So scroll to the proper of the row to form sure that the “post_parent” column shows “0” like this:

WordPress post_parent

If not, then note the ID of the post parent and repeat the above SQL query with the post parent ID. This time, the row you get should be the first post that you want to vary.

Step 6: Change the Post Type to “Page”

Click the “Edit” button on the left of the row as shown within the screenshot in Step 5. this may open the record for editing. Scroll down till you discover the sector labeled “post_type,” and replace the worth “post” with “page” as shown here:

WordPress change post_type

Now click the button called “Go” on the rock bottom right. The query will process, and you’re done! Your post is now a page. 

Now you bought the super easiest method to vary a post to a page. Now it doesn’t matter if you mistakenly created the content within the wrong type. Just follow the above procedure and alter your post type. 

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