Restoring backups in cPanel using JetBackup


Backups refer to copies of important data stored elsewhere. Having made a copy makes it possible to recover the original regardless of whether it’s lost or corrupted. In spite of the peace of mind that may come from having a copy of the backup on a physical drive like an external drive or a USB flash drive, they can be damaged or lost by accident.

Even if your computer or server is well maintained, it can still fail, have software bugs or errors, or even have natural disasters cause data loss. Data backups are essential if the data you store is important to a business or simply if you want your data to be safe. A failed server hard drive could obliterate all business records and user data permanently. Nobody wants to be in such catastrophic situation right. So, ideally what can be the necessary steps you can take to avoid any scenarios similar to this one? The only answer to this question is “take backup” of your data.

As well, hardware-based automatic backups can be complicated to set up. Most of the people are thus opting to back up to the cloud. In other words, they choose online available backups. An online backup service offers numerous benefits over a local backup service. By opting for online backup services, you avoid the risks associated with on-site physical media storage. Some of the advantages of using online backup services are multiple device synchronization, its fully automated and a more secure environment.

What is JetBackup?

The JetBackup cPanel backup solution allows you to make incremental or remote backups of your cPanel accounts quickly and easily. Among these are backups of full accounts, emails, files, etc. As part of Jet Backup, you can also create filter accounts so that you can include/exclude accounts based on disk space, resellers, and cPanel packages, among others. These features are conveniently displayed by a user-friendly graphical user interface.

In JetBackup, what options are available?

There are 6 different options for users to choose from when using JetBackup in their cPanel. It can be easily found in the JetBackup section of the cPanel.

  1. Full account backups
  2. DNS zone backups
  3. File backups
  4. Database backups
  5. Cron Job backups
  6. Email backups

As part of this article, we’ll go over full not only the popular backups but also the most often used JetBackup options.

Here are some explanations of some of the information you will find along the way of restoring the backup.

Following are the steps to do so:

  1. First, you need to log into your cPanel.
  2. Once the account has been logged in, select Full Account Backups from JetBackup.
  3. Click “Next” to open the next window, where you can choose your date of your choice when you want to do the backup process and the backup from which to restore.

Before any changes are made to existing accounts, it is important to know that the selected account will be terminated first. Rebuilding and restoring the account will be done using the backup. You will permanently lose any data you created after you restore your backup from a backup point.

  •  When the Restore account backup button is clicked, a full account backup will be restored.
  •  Once the full backup starts, you can check the progress by selecting JetBackup > Queue in  JetBackup’s dashboard
  • Wait for the restore operation to complete.

Having the queue status “Completed” means that the restoration was successful. It is possible to attempt another date if the queue status is “Failed”.

Once we have taken a full account backup in JetBackup, let’s see how it eases our job! We will see it by downloading the recently taken backup.

How to download a full backup?

If you’d like to download a full backup of your account, you can do so with this feature and you can successfully save it on your remote desktop. Here’s one of our backups to download!

  1. First, click on Generate Download to the far right of the page.
  2. In this way, JetBackup will contact our off-site backup server and retrieve your backup files.
  3.  Once the full backup has been initiated, you should be able to monitor its progress by visiting the dashboard > JetBackup > Queue menu in cPanel.

You will be able to download the backup after a few moments, as soon as the backup has been completed.

  • Once you’ve done this, you should download and save your backup file to your computer.

Delete your backup when you have successfully downloaded it to your computer by clicking “Delete Download”. You will no longer need to worry about the backup taking up space in your hosting account.  That’s how easy it is!

Database backups: How to restore them

Easy to use, JetBackup makes it easy to backup and restore databases on your hosting account. It is possible to restore your WordPress database to its previous state if a recent WordPress plugin has corrupted your database.

Steps to restore database backups in JetBackup:

  1. First, you need to log into your cPanel.
  2.  Go to JetBackup and click on the Database Backups icon once you have logged into cPanel to restore files or folders on your account.
  3. Click “Next” to open the next window, where you can choose your date of your choice when you want to do the backup process and the backup from which to restore.
  4. As soon as you have chosen the restore date, press the Restore button.
  5. Check the box “Do you want to restore the account?”

NOTE: Please proceed with extreme caution when using this option. Your website files will be lost if you have made any changes to them between the time of the backup and the time you are restoring. For instance, You may have added some new posts to your WordPress website on a Sunday, but if you restored the database to Friday’s snapshot, those posts would not be there as they hadn’t yet been created.

  • Click the Add to Restore Queue button
  • After the database backup has been initiated, you can check its progress in cPanel’s dashboard > JetBackup > Queue.
  • Wait for the restore process to finish.

Having the queue status “Completed” means that the restoration was successful. It is possible to attempt another date if the queue status is “Failed”.

Using Generate Download, JetBackup creates a compressed file of your database, which is then downloaded to your computer. This functionality is similar to Full Account Backups.

Email backups: How to restore them

Your emails can be downloaded very easily with JetBackup. When looking at abusive emails coming from a user’s account or when you are migrating from one server to another, this exclusive feature of JetBackup can come in very handy. You can download mailboxes in the same way you downloaded databases.

1)  First, you need to log into your cPanel.

2) In order to restore emails on your account, log into cPanel and click on the Email Backups button under JetBackup.

3) Click “Next” to open the next window, where you can choose your date of your choice when you want to do the backup process and the backup from which to restore.

As soon as you have chosen the restore date, press the Restore button.

4) Check the box “Are you sure you want to restore this account?”

5) Click the Add to Restore Queue button to add the queue to the restore

6) Once the full backup starts, you can check the progress by selecting JetBackup > Queue in  JetBackup’s dashboard

7) Wait for the restore process to finish.

Having the queue status “Completed” means that the restoration was successful. It is possible to attempt another date if the queue status is “Failed”.

Please take note that: You should also make sure you delete your downloads after saving a backup file to your computer, just like you would after be downloading a full account backup.

An overview of decompressing and navigating downloaded backups

If you download a full account backup (for example), a backup that contains multiple files or folders, or a database backup, the file will be downloaded and saved to your computer as tar.gz. Like a .zip file, this file is compressed. There is no problem in expanding these files.

Backing up databases

When decompressing a downloaded Database backup, you are similar to what you do when decompressing a Full Account Backup, with the exception that a single sql file is displayed instead of a number of folders containing individual website files.

Backing up your emails

cPanel stores mailboxes and reconciles them differently, so downloading email backups differs.

Bringing It All Together

There are a number of powerful tools available within JetBackup for backing up and restoring individual files and folders, databases, emails, etc.  JetBackup’s online services are available at  Cpanel comes equipped with backup options that allow you to back up your website from within your control panel.

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