The storage engine for the table doesn’t support repair. InnoDB or MyISAM?

The storage engine for the table doesn’t support repair.

At the point when you have a go at fixing a MySQL data set at the table, you may experience a “the capacity motor for the table doesn’t uphold fix” mistake. This mistake, as a rule, happens when you endeavor to fix an InnoDB table. This happens because the InnoDB stockpiling motor doesn’t uphold fixed tasks. 

Once in a while, WordPress destinations began reacting gradually, and now and again, it was giving blunders associating information base issues. On numerous occasions, it was giving the accompanying mistake “Association lost. Saving has been handicapped until you’re reconnected. We’re backing up this post in your program, for good measure.” while composing a blog entry. 

So this way mistake showed on the screen, 

wp_se_author_advertising: OK 

wp_se_blc_instances: The capacity motor for the table doesn’t uphold fix 

wp_se_blc_links: The capacity motor for the table doesn’t uphold fix 

Notice “The capacity motor for the table doesn’t uphold fix,” and when you checked WordPress information base overhead, you will be shocked as the overhead size was about 5320GiB. 

You can straight away Ping your facilitating support group, yet they couldn’t help as this was an issue with the information base and not the facilitating. So you can begin looking for an answer for this issue and lastly sort out how it could be dealt with to fix the mistake “The capacity motor for the table doesn’t uphold fix.” 

How You Can Deal with Fix MySQL Error ‘the capacity motor for the table doesn’t uphold fix’? 

You can attempt to recuperate information from a defiled InnoDB table physically or fix the table by utilizing an expert MySQL fix instrument. 

Answers for Fix the InnoDB Storage Engine MySQL Error Manually 

Arrangement 1 – Restore Database Table from Backup 

Reestablish information base reinforcement to recuperate debased tables. On the off chance that it doesn’t have reinforcement or it isn’t refreshed, attempt the following arrangement. 

Arrangement 2 – Switch the Table Engine from InnoDB to MyISAM 

You can change the data set motor of a table from InnoDB to MyISAM to fix the table. This should be possible by utilizing the accompanying ALTER order: 

Note: Take a reinforcement of your data set before running this inquiry. 

Modify TABLE tbl_name ENGINE=MyISAM; 

This order will help you convert a particular InnoDB table to a MyISAM table. Supplant the tbl_name with the name of your table. 

To change a few tables from InnoDB over to MyISAM, run the accompanying SQL articulation from order line or phpMyAdmin: 



In order, replace ‘you’re with the name of your data set and ‘TABLE_NAME’ with the name of your InnoDB table that you need to change over into MyISAM. 

In the wake of running the above script, take a stab at fixing the tables you have changed over to MyISAM motor. Once fixed, convert the table(s) back to InnoDB. If this technique doesn’t work, attempt the following one. 

Arrangement 3 – Restore Table Data from Dump File 

Another method of recovering table information is to run the InnoDB recuperation measure by utilizing the ‘innodb_force_recovery’ choice. 

Running innodb_force_recovery forestalls foundation activities from running, permitting you to dump your table. You can dump your table into another document, erase the old record, and reestablish the information from the new dump record. 

The point by point steps are as per the following: 

Open MySQL setup document (my.cnf). In the [mysqld] segment, add the accompanying: 

[mysqld] innodb_force_recovery=1 

You may have to set the worth of innodb_force_recovery to 3 to dump your tables in this order. The worth can increment from 4 to 6 to dump the tables. However, this implies information misfortune hazard. 

Save and close the my.cnf document. 

Restart the MySQL administration. 

Take a stab at getting to the degenerate InnoDB table, dump it into a SQL record by running ‘mysqldump’ order as follows: 

mysqldump – u client – p dbname tablename > tblname_dump.sql 

This order will dump a solitary table. You can likewise dump different tables by adding whitespace between the tables in the above order. 

Drop the bad table from the information base: 

mysql – u client – p – execute=”DROP TABLE dbname.tablename” 

Stop MySQL administration. Whenever it is halted, debilitate InnoDB recuperation mode. To do as such, add the accompanying line in the [mysqld] segment: 


Save every one of the progressions you have made to the MySQL arrangement record and restart the MySQL administration: 

administration mysqld start 

Presently reestablish the table from the recently made dump record by executing the underneath question: 

MySQL – u client – p > tblname_dump.sql 

If you can’t reestablish the table information, utilizing a SQL fix device may help. 

Utilize a Professional Tool to Repair InnoDB Table 

If the above strategies neglect to reestablish your InnoDB table, utilizing a MySQL fix instrument can help you fix the ruined InnoDB table and recuperate all its information with no adjustment. Heavenly Repair for MySQL is one such apparatus that aides fix InnoDB tables and reestablishes table properties, keys, relationship imperatives, and so forth. The product lessens vacation related with manual answers for fix MySQL data sets and every one of its articles like tables, put away techniques, sees, and so forth. 

 Benefits of Using Stellar Repair for MySQL 


● Fix tables of both InnoDB and MyISAM information base motors 

● Reestablish tables of MySQL information base made on Windows and Linux frameworks 

● Can fix a few information bases in a solitary cluster measure 

● Save fixed records in various document designs like MySQL, HTML, CSV, or XLS.

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