While exporting the database zip file from cPanel >> phpMyAdmin as well from SSH, I was getting below error message –
“This webpage is not found”
1. Please make sure ‘.zip’ extension is enabled on your server. Please follow below command for checking the .zip extension –
php -m | grep zip ————–> Output should be – zip
For example –
root@server [~]# php -m | grep zip
If zip extension is enabled and you’re still getting the above error message while exporting the database then please follow next step.
2. Update the memory limit of server in ‘config.inc.php’ file –
cat /usr/local/cpanel/base/3rdparty/phpmyadmin/config.inc.php
$cfg[‘MemoryLimit’] = ‘1024M‘; ——-> You can increase the limit as per your need.
$cfg[‘MemoryLimit’] = ‘1024M‘; ——-> You can increase the limit as per your need.
It fixed my issue!